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Licia Colò #EdenUnPianetaDaSalvare we thank all of you for the great work, made of passion and responsibility,Yesterday’s service is a great opportunity for us, but the cut you gave in presenting the Vivo D’Orcia and the whole Val d’Orcia offers many food for thought, which we have appreciated from citizens of the world and lovers Read more about LICIA COLO ‘visiting the PARCO VIVO[…]

The agricultural tradition of Amiata – 7 October

For the series of territorial meetings “Know I love rural Tuscany” dedicated to the promotion and enhancement of local products, next 7 October we will be virtually in Amiata. Organized in collaboration with the Accademia dei Georgofili and the Unions of the Municipalities of Amiata Senese and Amiata Grossetana, with the patronage of Unicoop Firenze, Read more about The agricultural tradition of Amiata – 7 October[…]

Sources opened every day on request

Visita le Sorgenti dell’Ermicciolo a Vivo d’Orcia! L’ingresso è gratuito e la visita dura circa 20 minuti fra una breve spiegazione fuori dall’edificio e l’ingresso nella galleria. E’ consentito l’acceso a 5 persone per volta (4 visitatori + 1 nostra guida) per le misure anti-covid. Inoltre sarà richiesta la compilazione da parte di tutti i Read more about Sources opened every day on request[…]

Vivo il Bosco – dinner with concert

Saturday 8 August 2020 from 6:30 pm An evening entirely conceived in the woods: picnic with basket and concert with the group Σπαντεκά-Spanteca’, a Neapolitan group of Rebetiko, traditional Greek music, formed thanks to the synergy created between eclectic musicians and with different artistic backgrounds. The Spantecà musical project, rich in cultural hybrids, was born Read more about Vivo il Bosco – dinner with concert[…]

In Vivo d’Orcia the springs are open for the SUMMER CALENDAR

Sources of Ermicciolo open for 10 summer dates, which will allow you to visit the famous springs and all the beauties that Parco Vivo offers in summer and beyond! Sunday 19 July h.11 am Sunday 26 July h.11 am Sunday 2 August h.11 am Sunday 9 August h.11 am Thursday 13 August h.4 pm Friday Read more about In Vivo d’Orcia the springs are open for the SUMMER CALENDAR[…]