Visit the hatchery - an activity for the whole family
The hatchery inside our Park has been reactivated thanks to the commitment of our members and the collaboration of the provincial section of FIPSAS, represented by SalmoClubSiena and MoscaClubSiena, under the supervision of Dr. Marco Radi
Certified Mediterranean trout eggs (salmo ghijii) were placed in the hatchery, coming from the breeders of the Tuscany Region. Thus the infrastructure, which had stopped for too many years, comes back to life: once hatched, the eggs will form small fry of Mediterranean trout, which after having reabsorbed the yolk sac, will be placed in the Amiata streams.

Visit the hatchery with us! Book a visit by writing to
Come and see our Park, enter the Ermicciolo springs, go for a trek in the woods with a picnic, a guided tour through the paths immersed in nature… and book an entrance to the hatchery to learn about its use and see the little ones fish. It is an activity for young and old!